Thursday, March 02, 2006

Counseling Methodology

Al Mohler made the following comment at the Shepherds' Conference tonight (I know this thanks to coffeeswirls who is "live blogging" the sessions):
"We live in an age where the ministry is misperceived as a profession. The world wants statistics and we show up with a message. That is one reason why the culture is so drawn to the therapeutic. Everything then becomes a subjective question. My counseling method is short. 1. what is your problem? 2. what would God have you do about it? 3. why are we having this conversation?"
The message was not about counseling but Dr. Mohler's comment on counseling reminds me that much of counseling is teaching people what the absolutely true Word of God says. What his method leaves out is the connection, the community, the relationship, that deepens the redemptive nature of our churches. I tend to believe that what most people need instead of professional counseling is an authentic Christian community where truth is valued and taught in the context of relationship. Of course that would require that people - even 'non-professional' people - keep growing deeply in their knowledge of the Scriptures so that there is biblical truth to be applied.

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