Friday, June 30, 2006

Moving to a New Location

I've moved my blog thoughts to a new site on Wordpress. Wordpress offered a few new bells and whistles that I like. It doesn't seem to have as many skins or templates, but seems to work a bit more regularly. They probably don't have the big bucks and support that Blogger gets from the Google shop, but, for now it just works. So, loyal readership (which is now up to 7 I think), please bookmark the new site. I've still got lots of random musings ... and I might even get my lovely bride to post more often.

Three Helpful Thoughts

It is a human tendency to attribute the worst possible motives for behavior in others that we do not undestand. - Wayne Rice, Junior High Ministry. I worked with teenagers for 25 years so I have a fairly large collection of insights from youth ministry "gurus". Reviewing my journal, this was a very timely reminder. God alone knows the ture, deepest, motives of others. When I put this thought with yesterday's post I get some helpful insight! Years ago while reading Rebuilding Your Broken World by confessed sinner Gordon MacDonald I was struck by his offhanded comment about how when we are in the midst of sin, or when we are covering up sin, we will usually call it something else - indescretion, poor judgement, etc. We will diminish it at every chance. At least that was my interpretation of his parenthecal comment on p. 48). Been there, done that, the T-shirt wasn't worth it. "There are two books that will give into the state of an individual Christian -- his checkbook and his appointment book. Both demontrate his commitments." My pastor said this over 15 years ago, and I have to believe that it is still true. These two (usually secret) things probably say more about my heart than just about anything else.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Little Understanding About Motives

"We judge ourselves by our motives. Other judge us by our actions." I jotted this on a napkin yesterday, but can't remember who wrote it (I've been reading and researching multiple books this week). I think it was from Dan Allender's Leading with a Limp. It is a great insight. It helps me see why, even when I don't do well, I think I've done the right thing. I know my motives (at least to a degree). The only thing those outside can see are my actions. To the degree my motives are unclear, or that my actions are not perceived to be in harmony with my motives, I will be misunderstood. For example, as a leader I hope to make wise choices that are the best even when someone is hurt by that choice. I know my motives, but the action taken feels like an attack to the one hurt, no matter my motive. That's probably why I feel like I need to apologize a lot! As I turn this around and look at other's behavior towards me, I sense the need to work harder at understanding the motives of those who seem to act against me. Of course, maybe they are out to get me ..., but probably not! It is amazing that anyone really gets along. This will be an interesting insight to learn more deeply.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Friend on an Adventure

Tami Dale is a friend, and co-worker. Right now she is on a leave of absence serving Jesus in Kenya. You might find it interesting to see what God is teaching her about thankfulness, prayer, and even mosquitos.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Future Trust

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." These words, which I believe are from Corrie Ten Boom, are true. So much time is wasted trying make our future safe and secure -- OK, I want to make my future a bit more risk-free -- but I've run into a bunch of others that have the same issues. God rarely shows us what our future life and ministry might contain. I am encouraged by the attitude of my wife and many of the hurting women she works with. They have adopted the principle behind God's promise to Israel in Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (ESV). God re-affirms to His people that despite the terrible situation in which they find themselves - even if due to their failure - He has plans for them that are not evil. A promise that can only be believed if we believe in the goodness and faithfulness of God. There are days when the future looks unclear, and all the choices seem to be poor. There are times that others choices seem to destroy and disrupt our lives. There are days that seem to be "foggy" rather than clear and the destination is unclear. But if we know our God we can boldly walk into the unknown despite the risk.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Wasted Life

Pastors often get discouraged thinking they could be 'more useful with more people'. Many Christians (pastor or otherwise) feel that they would be of much more effect if they could serve God somewhere that their gifts might make a greater impact. No one wants to waste their life. In that light I find this quote a powerful reminder that I am but a servant: Notice God's unutterable waste of saints, according to the judgment of the world. God plants His saints in the most useless places. We say--God intends me to be here because I am so useful. Jesus never estimated His life along the line of the greatest use. God puts his saints where they will glorify Him, and we are no judges at all of where that is (Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest). In light of all the purpose-driven madness in the church, it might be good to edit Chambers and note that the "judgement of the world" may now include "judgement of church growth experts."

Friday, June 16, 2006

World Christians

Twenty years ago Paul Borthwick made the following distinction in A Mind for Missions: A Worldly Christian is motivated from a basically selfish preoccupation. He looks to Scripture for personal blessing. Looks to God and the Bible primarily for personal fulfillment. Sees the Christian faith as a way to ‘get God on his or her side.’ World Christians are day-to-day disciples for whom Christ’s global cause has become the integrating, overriding priority for all that he is to them. I liked - still do - the term “world Christian” (or “global Christian”) and I used it regularly in the youth ministries I developed. Students, along with adults, seemed to capture the vision and passionately engaged in the cause. This is more than just supporting missionaries. Or being missions-minded. It is a priority commitment to bringing the power of the gospel to those places and peoples who have not heard. It is a commitment to affirm and strengthen local churches and leaders all around the world – helping them bring the truth of Christ to their own people. It is the recognition that the world begins right outside our own homes and churches and that we have a mission field right there. The term may not be meaningful any longer (or so I'm told), but the concept is still true. And each of us should discover the part God would have us play in his world-sized drama.